Enterprise Homes Group

Enterprise Homes Group logo created by Sodium & Co creative design agency Wolverhampton.

Enterprise Homes Group is a charity dedicated to ending homelessness in Wolverhampton. They approached us with a vision to create a brand identity that reflected their mission of creating a warm and welcoming environment for those affected by homelessness.

Our creative team was inspired to design a brand identity that not only reflected their mission, but also evoked a sense of hope and comfort for those in need. Our creative direction was focused on creating a logo and visual identity that conveyed the essence of family and home.

We started with the logo design, inspired by the concept of shelter and home, with a stylised roof over the letter "E" and "H" representing a safe and secure haven for those in need. We then carried this theme throughout their brand identity, incorporating warm colours and inviting imagery that captured the essence of family and home.

In addition to the branding, we also provided print and web design services, ensuring that their message was consistent across all platforms. We created a cohesive and impactful brand that truly reflected the heart of Enterprise Homes Group and their mission to make homelessness history.

  • Had the pleasure of working with Navi and her team. Her knowledge and expertise was commendable. Her passion to deliver on our expectations was second to none. A credit to this sector. You won't be disappointed!

    Paul Watson

Enterprise Homes Group roller banner designed by creative design agency in Wolverhampton, Sodium & Co.
Enterprise Homes Group branded notepad merchandise designed by Sodium & Co Wolverhampton.
Enterprise Homes Group branded marketing material created by Sodium & Co - a creative design agency in Wolverhampton.

Through our collaboration, Enterprise Homes Group has seen an increase in community engagement and support, bringing them one step closer to achieving their goal of ending homelessness in Wolverhampton. We are proud to have been part of their journey and to have played a role in creating a brand that resonates with their mission.

Enterprise Homes Group Instagram page on a mobile phone.

The Squad

  • Creative design specialist, Navi Aulkh.

    Navi Aulkh

    Creative Director

  • Communications and Marketing specialist, Jeremy Watson.

    Jeremy Watson

    Communications / Marketing

  • Dan Waldron, director Wolverhampton Copywriting Service, Write House.

    Dan Waldron


  • Social Media content creator, Desarie Nayagam.

    Desarie Nayagam

    Social Media Content Creator

What we did

Brand identity

Brand identity

Brand Collateral

Brand Collateral

Marketing & Copywriting

Marketing & Copywriting

Website & SEO

Website & SEO

Social Media Management

Social Media Management

Creative Direction

Creative Direction

At Sodium & Co,
we believe that strong branding can make a significant impact on any organisation. If you are looking to create a brand identity that truly reflects your vision and mission, we would love to work with you.


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