Our Services

Creative services that serve your cause

Creativity is the key to true community transformation. No one is going to care about your cause more than you - that's why your image is everything. How you present yourself will inspire action, impact hearts and influence others.


Brand Strategy

Who are you? What do you stand for? How do you make people care? Your brand strategy is at the heart of finding your identity and connecting with the community you want to change. We partner with you and your team to establish your brand values, define your message and how to position yourself as a pillar of the community.

We will:

  • Give you a voice community leaders want to listen to

  • Capture your ethos to build trust in your community

  • Fuse your personality with your core values to form meaningful connections

    • Core Values

    • Mission & Vision

    • Core Values

    • Positioning & Messaging

    • Competitor Research

    • Brand Attributes & Voice

    • Target Profiles

    • Customer Journey

    • Brand Goal Alignment

    • Content Strategy

Visual identity colour palette.


Visual Identity

First impressions count. Your visual identity is what people will see first and it's the face of your organisation. Your identity is what defines you. From a single logo or trademark, we can give you a brand identity that's memorable, carries your values and keeps the promises that your community expects.

  • Logo Design

    • Colour + Black & White

    • Horizontal

    • Vertical

    • Symbol

    • Favicon

    • Ai (Original Adobe Illustrator File), PDF, JPG, PNG

    Color Palette (Hex Codes)

    • Primary & Secondary Colours


    • Print & Web Fonts

    Styled Imagery

    • Photos

    • Patterns


Marketing Collateral

Get closer to the community you're
trying to reach with powerful marketing collateral. We enable people to touch and feel your brand with distinctive designs that build an emotive connection. From brochures to business cards, you can spread your message far and wide
to create more touchpoints with
local people.

    • Business Cards

    • Gift Cards

    • Thank You Cards

    • Insert Flyers

    • Email Signature

    • Roll up Banner

    • Letterheads

    • Compliment Slip

    • A5 Flyer

    • 4pp Brochure

    • Signage

    • Social Media Covers/Template

Website design by Sodium & Co creative design Wolverhampton.


Website Design

We design websites that win support for your cause. Show people how you add meaning to their lives. Shout about the social value that you are creating and the difference that you make everyday with a website that inspires people to want to change their community for the better. We put community missions on the map with interactive websites worth visiting.

    • Website Plan

    • In-built SEO

    • Keywords

    • Website Copy

    • Graphics & Images

    • Setting Up Your Online Shop

    • Handover Guide

Our Collaborations

We collaborate with other creative professionals to give you a fully inclusive branding and marketing experience. From copywriters to photographers or ongoing SEO to social media specialists, we can connect you with the right creatives to facilitate community transformation.

Here are some of the services our partners offer:

  • Copywriting

  • Content Marketing

  • Photography 

  • Social Media Management

  • SEO

  • Videography

Enterprise Homes Group

Enterprise Homes Group Marketing Collateral Designed By Sodium & Co Wolverhampton.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business.
Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.