How To Rebuild Trust After a Bad Experience With Branding Agency Services

How To Rebuild Trust After a Bad Experience With Branding Agency Services.

It happens… rarely. The relationship between a charity organisation and branding agency services breaks down. But there is a way charities and nonprofits can get their branding project back on track.

It comes with trusting the process but with the right branding agency supporting them.

Any breakdown between a charitable or nonprofit organisation and branding agency services can be disheartening. It can make it challenging to trust these services again but it is possible.

Whatever the reasons for parting ways with your previous provider, here are a few tips for rebuilding your trust in branding agency services:

#1 - Prioritise relationship building

Any successful partnership with branding agency services extends beyond completing a project. Poor collaboration and a lack of communication are common causes of breakdowns between charitable or nonprofit organisations and branding agency services.

For a partnership to work, both parties have to invest in building a personal connection. If you, as a charity or nonprofit CEO, establish a strong rapport with your branding agency, they feel trusted.

This trust is reciprocated, everyone is on the same page, and the working partnership is strengthened, which serves to rebuild your trust in branding agency services.

#2 - Get branding agency service recommendations

For every bad experience with branding agency services, there are hundreds of positive ones. Tap into your professional network and seek recommendations from your colleagues across the Third Sector. Personal referrals can help to reignite your trust in branding agency services.

Your network can give you genuine insights into a branding agency's performance and reliability, helping you to identify trustworthy partners.

#3 - Try a reverse pitching session

You can flip the traditional pitching model on its head by organising reverse pitching sessions. Your organisation can invite branding agencies to present creative ideas and solutions without asking for proposals from them.

This approach allows you to assess a branding agency's proactiveness, their understanding of your organisation, and how they think and work.

This shifts the power dynamic in your favour, giving you more control over the selection process.

Reverse pitching gives you an opportunity to see which branding agency services go beyond a standard pitch and demonstrate a genuine interest in your cause.

#4 - Propose a trial period

For a structured and objective way to rebuild trust in branding agency services, commit to a trial period with specific performance metrics. You can set clear expectations and measurable goals for the branding agency to meet and achieve within an agreed timeframe.

This allows you to assess their effectiveness in real-world scenarios before your organisation commits to a more long-term partnership.

If the agency can demonstrate tangible results, and meet the agreed-upon metrics, it will give you confidence in their capabilities and  commitment to your organisation's success.

#5 - Participate in a workshop collaboration

Instead of immediately diving into a formal contractual agreement, consider proposing a workshop collaboration with a branding agency. Work together on a small-scale, hands-on project or a creative brainstorming session. 

This approach allows you to gauge the agency's working style, creativity, and collaborative process without committing to a full-scale project. It provides a low-risk opportunity for both parties to explore compatibility and build trust organically through shared work experiences.

Enjoy a better experience with branding agency services.

Enjoy a better experience with branding agency services

These tips can help you to rebuild trust in branding agency services through practical experiences, collaborative interactions, and insights from colleagues who have enjoyed a successful partnership with a branding company.

An office desk with a laptop, mouse, and a chair used by a branding strategist.

Want to rebuild trust in branding agency services? Just add Sodium

We're not your typical branding agency, we're a charity sector specific agency that gives you virtual support at your fingertips.

We understand the Third Sector space more than most branding agencies, which is why we're the ideal collaborators to give you the long-term brand management support you need.

Everything you need from a brand consultant for your charity can be found under our roof. We are a collective of hybrid branding and marketing specialists that build brands with staying power.

We are the creative force to champion your cause.

Let's talk brand consultancy. Book your FREE, 30-minute call with Navi Aulkh, for a detailed discussion about your organisation, branding requirements, our prices and packaging - and how to get the most out of working together.

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