How To Overcome a Bad Experience With a Branding Design Company

How To Overcome a Bad Experience With a Branding Design Company.

One bad experience with a branding design company doesn't mean you have to throw in the towel on building your organisation's brand. It shouldn't put you off working with another branding agency either. But there are things you can learn from the bad experience to make your next experience even better 🙂

It's important to reflect on what's made your experience with your current branding design company a bad one.

Misaligned expectations, poor communication, missed deadlines and milestones are just some of the reasons why a relationship between a branding design company and a charity organisation breaks down.

Take time to review what could have been done differently, and use that as an opportunity to learn and improve rather than seeing it as a setback.

Your bad experience could be the makings of your charity or nonprofit taking a new direction with its branding strategy, helping you to refine your criteria for selecting a new agency that's more closely aligned with your mission, values, and vision.

Swimming pool lanes representing that you need to set boundaries with your branding design company.

Set boundaries with a branding design company

The key to a successful collaboration with a branding design company is to not jump into a project without setting boundaries and expectations.

Here's how you can set those boundaries and expectations:

#1 - Talk about what went wrong with your previous branding design company

When you're ready to work with a new charity branding design company, you should openly talk about what went wrong with your previous agency. Whatever the issues were, explain to your new branding company what they would need to focus on to avoid the same issues.

Once your new agency understands what went wrong, you can ask them how they would avoid similar problems. They might have examples of how they overcame the same types of issues with their current clients 👍

#2 - Define the scope of your branding project

Clearly outline the scope of your project from the start. Specify the deliverables, timelines, and any other relevant details. This will help both parties understand the expectations and limitations of the collaboration.

#3 - Establish communication protocols

Define how communication will be handled throughout your charity branding project. Establish preferred communication channels, meeting schedules, and the protocol for urgent matters. Setting expectations for communication helps maintain a structured and efficient workflow.

#4 - Clarify roles and responsibilities

Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of both your charity's team and the branding design company. This includes key contacts, decision-makers, and individuals responsible for specific aspects of the project. This clarity helps prevent confusion and ensures accountability.

#5 - Monitor progress regularly

Schedule regular check-ins to assess project progress. This provides an opportunity to address any concerns, make adjustments, and ensure that both parties are aligned with the project's direction.

#6 - Create a contract

Formalise the agreed-upon boundaries in a contract. Include details such as project scope, timelines, deliverables, payment terms, and any other relevant terms and conditions. A well-drafted contract serves as a framework and provides clarity for both parties.

#7 - Take small steps

Building your brand doesn't have to be done in one go, it can be done in stages. Assign your new branding design company smaller projects to test the waters. This way, your organisation and the branding agency gets a feel for how each other works.

Use smaller projects as an opportunity to see if a new branding agency is the right fit for your organisation.

Neon light handshake representing that you need to partner with a branding agency that gets how you work.

Partner with a branding design company that gets how you work

It's impossible to know if partnering with a branding design company will work out until you kick-off your project.

But you will quickly get an idea of whether they understand the way you work and if you like the way they work. If they're attentive, deliver on their promises, and value your input, that's a good sign.

Want to recover from a bad branding design company experience? Just add Sodium 

Navi Aulkh, Founder and Director of Branding Design Company, Sodium & Co.

We're not your typical branding agency, we're a charity sector specific agency that gives you virtual support at your fingertips.

We understand the Third Sector space more than most branding agencies, which is why we're the ideal collaborators to give you the long-term brand management support you need.

Everything you need from a brand consultant for your charity can be found under our roof. We are a collective of hybrid branding and marketing specialists that build brands with staying power.

We are the creative force to champion your cause.

Let's talk brand consultancy. Book your FREE, 30-minute call with Navi Aulkh, for a detailed discussion about your organisation, branding requirements, our prices and packaging - and how to get the most out of working together.

Follow Sodium on LinkedIn.


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