Choosing a Branding Consultant: A Guide For Charity CEOs

Choosing a Branding Consultant: A Guide For Charity CEOs.

As a charity CEO, you're so passionate about people and positive change, you probably don't give much thought to how 'competitive' the non-profit sector is. And that's ok, your priorities are in the right place. That said, having a brand collaborator on your side can enhance your passion for people and positive change in the eyes of donors, volunteers, stakeholders, and the general public.

But you can't settle for just ANY branding consultant. Here are some pointers for finding a branding collaborator that can actually further your cause:

1) Experience in the charity sector

Your starting point should be to find a charity sector specific branding consultant.

Your charity will have unique challenges and opportunities that differ from commercial organisations. Find a branding consultant that understands your challenges and opportunities, and you're well on the way to developing an effective brand strategy.

A lot of branding agencies are good at what they do, but most lack experience working with charitable organisations. That doesn't mean they won't tell you 'they can get the job done' to secure your business.

However, to avoid wasting your investment and potentially damaging your reputation, a branding consultant that understands the charity sector is your best bet. If you choose a 'jack of all trades' branding company, as CEO, remember that it comes back on you if it goes wrong.

2) A proven track record

Partnering with a charity sector specific branding consultant is no guarantee of success. You should still exercise due diligence as part of your search for the right branding partner. The best charity branding consultants back up their status as one of the best, with a portfolio packed with success stories and case studies.

What you're looking for is completed projects that are similar in scope and scale to your organisation. This demonstrates that a branding consultant can handle your needs, giving you added peace of mind that they are the right fit for your charity.

3) Alignment with your values

Experience of the charity sector… check. A proven track record of successful projects… check. Sounds like the dream branding consultant for your organisation 🙌

But you get to discussing your project and suddenly a spanner is thrown in the works. They don't buy into your vision and values.

This is arguably THE biggest challenge you will face when looking for a branding consultant. Some will tick several boxes, but if they don't align with your vision and values, projects can quickly unravel.

Don't despair. The right branding consultant for your charity is out there. When you find them, you'll know. They will share the same enthusiasm and passion for your cause. This means they are more likely to create a brand identity that authentically reflects your organisation's ethos, and you will definitely see it shine through in their work.

4) A tailored approach

Your charity is unique. That means an 'off-the-shelf', 'one-size-fits-all' branding strategy won't do. Any branding consultant worth their salt will demonstrate a willingness to create a customised approach that addresses your specific challenges and goals.

A consultant who conducts thorough research and analysis before proposing a branding strategy is what you're after. A tailored approach will ensure that your brand resonates with your target audience and aligns with your mission.

5) Collaboration and communication

Effective branding is a collaborative process that requires open communication and a strong working relationship. When researching branding consultants, take the opportunity to speak to past clients to get a sense of how well they communicated with, and involved them, in the project.

The last thing you want is a consultant that goes missing in action, fails to listen or responds poorly to feedback - it's a recipe for disaster. You want a consultant that actively listens and offers creative solutions, not someone who gives you more problems to manage.

A consultant who fosters a positive working relationship will contribute to a more successful branding project.

6) Transparent pricing

A bubble representing transparent pricing when choosing a brand consultant.

The best branding consultants are open about their fees, giving you project prices upfront without any 'surprises' later on. This gives you room to budget. After all, costs will be a big factor in determining the consultant you decide to work with. However, don't make it the sole determining factor.

It's better to have a 'perceived' higher cost upfront from one consultant instead of working with another that makes up the fees as they go along.

A well-qualified branding specialist might cost you more initially but will more likely deliver a better return on investment.

7) Long-term collaborator not a one-hit wonder

Find a consultant that sticks with you long-term and doesn't just leave you to your own devices once your project's done. Building a brand is an ongoing journey, not a destination. Great branding consultants in the charity sector are hard to find. Having a collaborator that's invested in your journey every step of the way is a huge bonus for your organisation.

It builds familiarity with your charity, which means that should you ever need small branding tasks done or another total rebrand is required, you can rely on a consultant that knows just what to do. This prevents you from having to start your search for a branding consultant from scratch.

Just add Sodium for a brand consultant you can count on

Sodium & Co Wolverhampton slogan, Just Add Sodium.

We're not your typical branding agency, we're a charity sector specific agency that gives you virtual support at your fingertips. We understand the Third Sector space more than most branding agencies, which is why we're the ideal collaborators to give you the long-term brand management support you need.

Everything you need from a brand consultant for your charity can be found under our roof. We are a collective of hybrid branding and marketing specialists that build brands with staying power

We are the creative force to champion your cause.

Let's talk brand consultancy. Book your 30-minute call with Navi Aulkh, for a detailed discussion about your organisation, branding requirements, our prices and packaging - and how to get the most out of working together.


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