5 Signs a Charity CEO Needs Brand Management Support

5 Signs a Charity CEO Needs Brand Management Support

Ever heard of the Brand Effectiveness Scorecard? It's specifically designed for charity professionals. It ranks how well a brand is working for a charity. Brilliant is the highest ranking, while Dull or Void are the lowest. According to the latest scorecard, just 7% of charities have a 'Brilliant' ranking.

What does this mean for your charity? Well, unless you're in the top 7% of charities with a 'Brilliant' ranking, it suggests you're among the 93% of charity brands that need some attention.

The scorecard reveals that a further 15% of charities have a 'Dull' branding status, while 3% have a 'Void' ranking. If you fall under either of these categories, you need to take action now.

Want to know what your brand ranking is? Take the survey [tip: open the link in a new tab].

What was your ranking?

πŸ‘‰ Brilliant - brand firing on all cylinders driving you into the future.

πŸ‘‰ Bright - brand serving your charity well, with some tweaks that could make it really fly.

πŸ‘‰ Flickering - brand that’s on the cusp of igniting or fading.

πŸ‘‰ Dull - brand isn’t supporting your impact and ability to champion your cause.

πŸ‘‰ Void - and actively getting in your way.

Whatever category you're in, you need brand management support

Whatever category you're in, you need brand management support

A series of blue blocks representing branding and the need for brand management support

"Wait, what? Even if my charity ranks in the 'Brilliant' category?"

It's one thing to have brilliant branding, maintaining it is another thing. You still need support, but in a different way.

However, if you fall into the 'Flickering', 'Dull' or 'Void' categories, you need support of a different kind.

It's likely that you've let your brand management slip or given it no attention whatsoever. That's dangerous. Effective management of your brand not only attracts donors and volunteers, but it builds trust and credibility among your stakeholders.

Without proper brand management, the perception of your charity or community change organisation is set to suffer. Here are 5 signs that you might be slipping down the slope of obscurity.

1) Lack of clarity in your mission and vision

Articulating your mission and vision in a way that resonates with your desired audience can be a challenge. However, as a charity CEO, your organisation, your donors, your volunteers, and your stakeholders all look to you to help shape the mission and vision.

If you're struggling, partnering with a specialist brand strategist can give you the support you need. It doesn't all have to be on you. You will no doubt know what the mission and vision is, but you need brand management support to bring them to life.

If you don't have an in-house marketing team, an external branding agency is a great option - and often more cost effective. If you do have an in-house team, but your branding needs a fresh pair of eyes, it's still worth considering bringing a branding consultant in to support you and your team.

2) Your messaging and visuals miss the mark

One of the more evident signs that your charity needs brand management support is that your current messaging and visual identity is inconsistent.

Inconsistent messaging and visuals across your website, social media channels, and your printed materials can confuse and alienate audiences. It's safe to say that a charity with a careless approach to branding makes people nervous.

The right brand management support will help your messaging and visuals hit the mark, ensuring that all communication aligns with a cohesive brand identity while reinforcing your mission and values.

As your charity's CEO, you need to steward your messaging and visual identity in partnership with a brand consultant. This will keep everything on track.

3) Reputation management challenges

Three vintage phones hanging on a wall.

Reputation is everything in the non-profit sector. According to a recent report from the Charity Commission, the good news is that public trust in charities is 'high in most parts of society.'

On the other hand, the report identifies a 'stubbornly persistent scepticism regarding how charities use their money and how they behave'.

This suggests that there is still some way for charities to go to gain the public's complete trust.

Brand management support can help you build that trust and credibility, or rebuild it if your reputation has taken a hit. If you personally, or the charity itself, has faced negative publicity, a skilled brand consultant can help you address the issues strategically.

You can work together to rebuild trust, communicate transparently, and steer your charity's reputation back on course.

Managing your charity's reputation through branding is a responsibility you must bear as a CEO, but the backing of a branding specialist will help lighten the load.

4) Ineffective fundraising efforts

Your charity survives and thrives based on its fundraising. If your fundraising initiatives fall short of expectations, brand management support could be the missing piece of the puzzle.

Managing your brand well not only inspires trust, but makes donors more likely to contribute to your cause. A branding specialist can assist in crafting compelling fundraising campaigns that align with your charity's mission and resonate with potential donors.

As the CEO of your charity, you most likely have overall responsibility for fundraising and income to secure the financial sustainability of your organisation. That means promoting fundraising initiatives with key funders, stakeholders and communities requires you to play your part.

With branding management support, you can present your charity and your fundraising initiatives in the best possible way, inspiring confidence among potential donors.

5) Lack of donor and community connection

Bad branding makes you invisible. That means the donors and communities that you are trying to connect with probably don't know you exist. If your charity struggles to gain visibility or raise awareness across your target audience, it's often a sign that you need brand management support.

If you're unseen or unheard in what is already a crowded space, a branding consultant can work with you to devise strategies that will raise awareness. For example, enhancing your online presence or initiatives that will help you engage with donors and communities more effectively. The right branding will help you attract more support for your cause.

Buy into branding

If you know your charity is slipping into obscurity, or you need to maintain your 'Brilliant' branding status, you need support. Partnering with a branding agency gives you the backing you need.

The role of charity CEO can be lonely. A lot rests on your shoulders, but a burden shared is a burden halved, right? Done well, your branding will be your charity's best asset.

We're not asking you to give up control of your branding, but we are asking you to acknowledge the warning signs that you need support.

So, you have a decision to make.


Just Add Sodium for brand management support

We're not your typical branding agency, we're a charity-sector specific agency. We understand the Third Sector space more than most branding agencies, which is why we're the ideal collaborators to give you the brand management support you need.

Everything you need as a charity CEO to build brand awareness for your organisation can be found under our roof. We are a collective of hybrid branding and marketing specialists that build brands with staying power.

We are the creative force to champion your cause.

Let's talk brand management support. Book your 30-minute call with Navi Aulkh, for a detailed discussion about your organisation, branding requirements, our prices and packaging - and how to get the most out of working together.


Choosing a Branding Consultant: A Guide For Charity CEOs


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