How Sodium & Co Can Help With Your Charity Brand Building

A builder's helmet to represent charity brand building.

Charity brand building should centre around your mission. The reason you exist is to make a change, right? Whatever your cause, your branding is the engine that inspires people to support your mission whether it's as a donor, a volunteer, a partner, or an ambassador. Sodium & Co. can help you with charity brand building to inspire people to take action.

At Sodium & Co. we love anonymous artist Banksy. While his identity remains a mystery, Banksy has one of the most powerful brands on the planet.

His artwork is instantly recognisable, it tells a story, and it makes people feel stuff on a deeply emotional level.

The thing about Banksy is that his approach to art is unconventional.

Instead of artwork hanging in a gallery and being sold to the highest bidder, Banksy's art is accessible to all, and doesn't conform to society's norms for showcasing his talent.

There are so many traditional routes to go down for charity brand building. But Sodium & Co. encourages you to take a risk, try branding in a different way.

After all, the best way to make a real change is to lead by example.

That's not to say we can't help you with traditional charity brand building strategies. But we can help you to try a different approach.

Ideas for charity brand building from Sodium & Co. Wolverhampton.

8 fresh ideas from Sodium & Co. to build your charity's brand

#1 - Mix it up

Blend different ideas to create a unique charity brand that surprises people. We can help you combine things like art with activism to get people talking about your organisation. Practically, this looks like:

  • Brainstorming different ideas you want to blend into your charity brand like art, community partnerships or events.

  • Creating a brand strategy that brings these ideas to life in a cohesive way.

  • Developing campaigns that spread the word and align with your charity's mission and values.

#2 - Connect with unusual groups

Sodium & Co. can help you build a charity brand that connects with different kinds of groups, and not just the ones every nonprofit is targeting.

You could find donors, volunteers, partners, and ambassadors in unexpected places. Practically, this looks like:

  • Researching niche communities or subcultures that share interests or values with your charity.

  • Reaching out to these groups through social media, events, or partnerships.

  • Collaborating on projects or events that mutually benefit both your charity and the community you're connecting with.

#3 - Make your branding a fun experience

Host an event where everyone's invited. Sodium & Co. can create branding materials for the event to get people talking while they have a good time learning about your organisation. Practically, this looks like

  • Planning engaging events or activities that reflect your charity's mission and appeal to your target audience.

  • Considering factors like venue, theme, and interactive elements to make the experience memorable.

  • Promoting your events through social media, local partnerships, and targeted outreach to attract attendees.

A flower to represent spreading happiness with charity brand building.

#4 - Spread happiness secretly

Create branded gifts to give to people without them expecting it. It's like spreading joy undercover. Sodium & Co can help you with branding ideas for random acts of kindness.

It's a great way to share what your organisation's all about in a low-key way. Practically, this looks like:

  • Identifying opportunities to perform random acts of kindness aligned with your charity's mission.

  • Developing a plan for executing these acts, whether it's distributing care packages, organising surprise performances, or cleaning up public spaces.

  • Capturing and sharing the impact of these acts through social media or other channels to inspire others to participate.

#5 - Add a little mystery

Think of your charity like a treasure hunt waiting to be discovered by new audiences.

Create a branding campaign that makes people feel like they're part of a secret club exclusively for them.

Use puzzles or hidden messages to create curiosity around what your charity is up to. Practically, this looks like:

  • Designing mystery campaigns that intrigue and engage your audience, using things like puzzles, clues, or hidden messages.

  • Planning the rollout of your campaign, including teaser content, reveals, and opportunities for audience participation.

  • Monitoring engagement and adjusting your strategy based on audience response and feedback.

#6 - Start traditions

Your organisation can have traditions that help to build your brand. Host an annual fun run, a volunteer appreciation event, a donor day, or a special fundraising event.

These traditions help people feel connected to your brand, and your cause, year after year. Practically, Sodium & Co. can help you with:

  • Identifying annual or recurring events that align with your charity's mission and resonate with your audience.

  • Establishing a timeline and branding plan for each tradition, including promotion, logistics, and participant engagement.

  • Evaluating the success of each tradition and making adjustments as needed to enhance future events.

#7 - Tell stories with senses

Stories are powerful. Even more so when you stir all the senses. You can use your brand to tell stories that make people feel like they're right there, experiencing it all.

Practically, Sodium & Co. can help you:

  • Create multimedia content that engages multiple senses, such as videos, podcasts, or interactive experiences.

  • Use sensory elements like music, narration, visuals, and even scent or texture to add another layer to your branding.

  • Share your sensory stories through your website, social media channels, and live events to reach your audience effectively.

#8 - Build your own community

Sodium and Co. can help you build a charity brand that creates community.

For example, we can create social media imagery that you can use for special groups on different platforms that are dedicated to your community.

This gives people the opportunity to share ideas, connect with others who support your charity, and feel proud to champion your cause. Practically, this looks like:

  • Creating online forums, social media groups, or membership programs where supporters can connect and engage with your charity.

  • Establishing guidelines and incentives to encourage participation and create a sense of belonging.

  • Providing regular updates, exclusive branded content, and opportunities for members to contribute and collaborate.

How do we help you with charity brand building on this scale?

We collaborate with other creative professionals to give you a fully inclusive branding and marketing experience. From copywriters to photographers and ongoing SEO to social media specialists, we can connect you with the right creatives to help you build your brand.

Director of Sodium & Co -  a charity branding agency based in Wolverhampton - Navi Aulkh.

For charity brand building, just add Sodium

We're not your typical branding agency, we're a charity sector specific agency that gives you virtual support at your fingertips.

We understand the Third Sector space more than most branding agencies, which is why we're the ideal collaborators to give you the long-term brand management support you need.

Everything you need from a branding company for your charity can be found under our roof. We are a collective of hybrid branding and marketing specialists that build brands with staying power.

We are the creative force to champion your cause.

Let's talk brand consultancy. Book your FREE, 30-minute call with Navi Aulkh, for a detailed discussion about your organisation, branding requirements, our prices and packaging - and how to get the most out of working together.

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