Where To Find Branding Help For Your Charity

Where To Find Branding Help For Your Charity

You know that you need branding help for your charity. The question is, where do you find it? There's no shortage of places to look.

From nonprofit support organisations to online resources and guides, here's a rundown of some of the best places to find the branding help you need for your organisation.

#1 - Charity-specific branding agencies

Search "branding agencies" online, you'll be presented with millions of results. Refine your search to "charity branding agencies", you're getting closer to what you need.

Choosing a branding agency that's nonprofit specific, like Sodium & Co., means they're more likely to understand your unique needs and offer personalised branding support.

#2 - Nonprofit conferences and workshops

Get yourself to conferences, workshops, and seminars organised by nonprofit associations and networks.

Events like the CharityComms Annual Conference or workshops hosted by the Institute of Fundraising (IoF) often feature sessions on branding and marketing specifically tailored to UK charities. 

These events provide opportunities to network with industry professionals and connect with agencies offering branding support.

#3 - Nonprofit support organisations

Explore support organisations and capacity-building agencies in the UK that specialise in assisting charities with marketing and branding.

Organisations like CharityComms and the Small Charities Coalition offer resources, training, and consultancy services to help your charity to improve its branding efforts. 

Reach out to these organisations to access workshops, webinars, and one-on-one support focused on charity branding. 

Worth knowing: Sodium & Co. offers similar services if you're looking for something more personalised.

Branded laptop and notebook to emphasise where charities can find help with charity branding.

#4 - Partner with universities and colleges

Get yourself partnered with universities and colleges that offer programs in marketing, communications, and design.

Many academic institutions in the UK have community engagement initiatives or student-led projects that provide pro bono branding services to charities

You can contact relevant departments or student societies to explore potential collaborations and projects that can support your charity's branding needs.

#5 - Professional associations and networks

Join professional associations and networks in the UK dedicated to nonprofit marketing, fundraising, and communications.

Associations like the Institute of Fundraising (IoF), CharityComms, or the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) offer networking events, training courses, and resources focused on charity branding and marketing in the UK. 

Talk to members and seek recommendations for reputable branding support providers.

#6 - Corporate partnerships

Connect with UK businesses that have expertise in marketing, branding, or design.

Many UK-based companies offer pro bono or discounted services for nonprofit organisations as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. 

Reach out to your corporate sponsors or contacts within the UK business community to explore potential opportunities for branding support or referrals to UK-based branding agencies.

#7 - Online resources and guides

Explore online resources, guides, and toolkits customised to suit nonprofits seeking branding and marketing support. Websites such as the Charity Excellence Framework, KnowHow NonProfit, or the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) provide valuable insights, templates, and best practices for charity branding.

Use these resources to inform and guide your charity's branding efforts.

Get the charity branding help you need with Sodium & Co.

Need branding help? Just add Sodium

We're not your typical branding agency, we're a charity sector specific agency that gives you virtual support at your fingertips.

We understand the Third Sector space more than most branding agencies, which is why we're the ideal collaborators to give you the long-term brand management support you need.

Everything you need from a branding company for your charity can be found under our roof.

We are a collective of hybrid branding and marketing specialists that build brands with staying power.

We are the creative force to champion your cause.

Let's talk brand consultancy.

Book your FREE, 30-minute call with Navi Aulkh, for a detailed discussion about your organisation, branding requirements, our prices and packaging - and how to get the most out of working together.

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